
The ground bed should be tested at least once a year.

You will need:

  1. Several metal rods (4ft) to short-circuit the fence.
  2. Digital voltmeter with leads (designed for testing fences)


  1. Turn off the charger/energizer.
  2. Short-circuit the fence by leaning enough metallic rods against it about 330 ft away from ground bed. Bring the fence voltage to 1000 volts. Voltage should be about 1000 volts afterwards.
  3. Turn the energizer on. Use a fence tester/voltmeter to read the voltage on the fence. It should be below 2 kV. (Lean additional metallic rods against the fence if needed).
  4. Insert the fence tester probe into the soil and clip the red fence clip against the last ground rod. The voltage should be less than .3 kV. If it is higher than .3kV, a better grounding system may be needed.