Wood Post Drivers are available for rent at our Blairsville, PA location only. Maximum rental distance is 100 miles.
The Extreme Tow-Behind Post Driver drives posts up to 10 feet 10 inches tall and up to 8 inches in diameter. It drives posts rapidly with 600-800 beats per minute. It features 30-degree front/back tilt, 50-degree side/side tilt, 14-inch side shift, and 16-inch front/back shift. Total weight is 4,600 pounds. A full-size truck is required for towing.
The Nitro 750 Post Driver drives posts up to 8 inches in diameter. It drives posts rapidly with 500-800 beats per minute. 2 inches of stroke reduces damage to posts. This driver is durable and safe with all controls being handled from the skid steer cab. Skid steer recommendations are 10 GPM at 1,600 PSI and a minimum of 45 horsepower. Total weight is 1,200 pounds. Skid steer is not included with the rental.
The Montana 750F Rancher with complete auger enables farmers and ranchers to efficiently build their own fences using any medium-sized skid steer. This machine will drive wood posts up to 6" in diameter in almost any soil conditions. It has a working pressure of 2,000 PSI and delivers 650 to 1,400 blows per minute. Skid steer recommendations are 11-18 GPM at 2000 PSI and a minimum of 45 horsepower. The total weight is 1,350 pounds, and the skid steer is not included with the rental.
Call 1-800-KENCOVE for more information.