Electric Netting is used throughout our farm! We use Kencove's Electric Netting to contain our Herd of 150 Horned Commercial Does during the summer months. Kencove offers many different styles/configurations and we have chosen Orange - NPC for our farm. 

Electric Nets

We trust this fence to keep our goats safe and comfortable in their environment because not only is it effective, it is easy to manage and safe for our livestock.

We have used Kencove Electric Netting for 8 years now, around the 15th of April we take the mower around our anticipated pasture to clean up all of the overgrown vegetation. After the field is ready we unroll our Electric Netting for a good inspection. We want to repair any damage that occurred last season or during storage and this is easily completed using a Kencove Repair Kit. After our Electric Netting is all fixed up, we are ready to set up!

Electric Net Accessories

We typically use 8-10 sets, all this depends on the amount of Does we decide to pasture. We connect our Kencove EK6 energizer and release the girls onto the grass!

Kencove's recommends 0.25 joule, low-impedance energizer per net (164ft).

As mentioned above we use Orange - NPC because of the high visibility and when connected to our energizer we have high conductivity. We move the girls routinely depending on growth rate of the grass and this task is completed with ease. We disconnect the energizer then pull post and simply lay the netting flat on the ground, after all post have been removed we gather up post by post. This method provides efficiency when preparing to move. When setting back up just complete these steps in reverse to achieve super easy moves.

For an operation that rotates / moves constantly to prevent overgrazing, Kencove's Electric Netting is by far our favorite to contain our herd. If you are looking for simple, sturdy and top quality that is consistent at producer friendly price visit Kencove Farm Fencing

You can find it all here.

Other uses that our netting gets around the farm

  • Garden Fencing to protect our produce
  • We like using a set of netting by itself to break up classes for Livestock Judging Workouts
  • Showcasing Sale Goats
  • Picture Pen for Mature Does

The uses and possibilities are endless. Call Kencove TODAY at 1-800-KENCOVE to see what Electric Netting can do for you!